Success in the first call for proposals for the LMUexcellent Junior Researcher Fund
Dr. Jessica Rodríguez-Fernández has been granted a 3 year project from the Junior Researcher Fund, a new funding program within LMU Munich's institutional strategy LMUexcellent. The Fund seeks to improve the career development prospects of early-career researchers and to promote independent applications for third-party funding. This first call has attracted a lot of interest amongst LMU researchers, which has made the selection process highly competitive.
Dr. Jessica Rodríguez-Fernández has been granted a 3 year project from the Junior Researcher Fund, a new funding program within LMU Munich's institutional strategy LMUexcellent. The Fund seeks to improve the career development prospects of early-career researchers and to promote independent applications for third-party funding. This first call has attracted a lot of interest amongst LMU researchers, which has made the selection process highly competitive.